Welcome to Biskotaki documentation!


Project generated from the https://github.com/boromir674/cookiecutter-python-package/tree/master/src/cookiecutter_python cookiecutter

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) Production Version PyPI - Wheel Supported Python versions
Read the Docs (version) Codecov Code Climate Maintainability Technical Debt
Ruff GitHub GitHub commits since tagged version (branch) GitHub commits since latest release (by SemVer)


  1. biskotaki python package

    1. TODO Document a Great Feature

    2. TODO Document another Nice Feature

  2. Tested against multiple platforms and python versions


Get started:
python3 -m pip install --user 'tox<4'

OR: `pipx install tox`

Then, to see all out-of-the-box available tox commands:

tox -a

OR `tox -av` for showing description of each command

Development Notes

Testing, Documentation Building, Scripts, CI/CD, Static Code Analysis for this project.

  1. Test Suite, using pytest, located in tests dir

  2. Parallel Execution of Unit Tests, on multiple cpu’s

  3. Documentation Pages, hosted on readthedocs server, located in docs dir

  4. CI/CD Pipeline, running on Github Actions, defined in .github/

    1. Test Job Matrix, spanning different platform’s and python version’s

      1. Platforms: ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest

      2. Python Interpreters: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11

    2. Continuous Deployment


      1. Python Distristribution to pypi.org, on tags v*, pushed to main branch

      2. Docker Image to Dockerhub, on every push, with automatic Image Tagging


      1. Python Distristribution to test.pypi.org, on “pre-release” tags v*-rc, pushed to release branch

    3. Configurable Policies for Docker, and Static Code Analysis Workflows

  5. Automation, using tox, driven by single tox.ini file

    1. Code Coverage measuring

    2. Build Command, using the build python package

    3. Pypi Deploy Command, supporting upload to both pypi.org and test.pypi.org servers

    4. Type Check Command, using mypy

    5. Lint Check and Apply commands, using the fast Ruff linter, along with isort and black


You need to have Python installed.


Using pip is the approved way for installing biskotaki.

python3 -m pip install biskotaki

TODO Document a use case




  • Free software: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Indices and tables